our organisation goal

Theory of Change


we exist

The change we want to see in society. Our purpose as a public interest Foundation
  • Because we believe in a sustainable and inclusive society where everyone has a chance to thrive through a quality job
  • Because unemployment remains a systemic issue leading to inequalities, poverty, and mistrust in our institutions
  • Because social innovation is as hard to finance as it is crucial for society
Alain Philippson

10 years ago our Foundation was created, to make our philantrophic efforts more structured and professional. Philantrophy has always been in the DNA of the bank.

Alain Philippson, former chairman of Degroof Petercam2018


we aim

The outcome we want to have in the long term. 
  • The social innovators we support are ready to reach a systemic impact for employment: 
  • Able to influence policies
  • Reach a significant portion of a target group
  • Work as a multiplier of social impact
  • Being copied widely
  • Serve as a reference on a specific issue and share knowledge


we deliver

We select, empower and help innovative employment solutions operate on a larger scale:
  • We strive for a collaborative impact
  • We help to reach more beneficiaries
  • We help replicating the solution and enhance its impact
  • We help to build legitimacy with the public sector


we do

feed sand
The activities we run in the short term. We deployed a specific strategy.
  • We select the most promising social innovators in the field of employment in Belgium, France & Luxembourg
  • We offer financial and tailored non-financial support to the projects
  • We work on the social sector to improve efficiency
  • We share our knowledge with other philanthropists


we invest

The inputs we have in the short term are the key resources that enable our activities.
  • We offer 5 years of support to the projects
  • We grant a budget of €1Million per project
  • We guarantee the projects 300h of coaching from the Foundation and the Group as a non-financial support
  • A team of 3 persons and human resources of Degroof Petercam group are dedicated to support
  • We share our network and knowledge with the projects
Acquisition Indosuez Degroof Petercam
Indosuez Wealth Management, a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole S.A., finalises the acquisition of Degroof Petercam, of which it becomes majority shareholder alongside CLdN Cobelfret, its historical shareholder.