
& Conditions

Here you can find all kinds of documentation about Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg such as our general terms and conditions and other important legal documents. Please contact us if you cannot find the document you are looking for.
Charges conditions
Charges Conditions Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg
applicable since 1 May 2024
General Conditions
General Terms & Conditions
applicable since 1 January 2024
General Terms & Conditions
applicable since 1 January 2023
Indirect Clearing: direct client disclosure document
My Degroof Petercam Institutionnel: Special Terms and Conditions
My Degroof Petercam Luxembourg: Special Terms and Conditions
Investor Protection
A sustainable impulse for your investments
CSDR: Central Securities Depositories Regulation
Code of ethics
DAC 6: new obligations in the fight against aggressive tax planning
Deposit protection information sheet
Execution Venue Reporting
Fund Engagement Policy
LEI maintenance procedure via Bloomberg: user manual
List of information required for tacit consent for outsourcing
List of investment markets and sub-custodians of Banque Degroof Petercam Luxembourg
MiFID II: Information for eligible counterparties
MiFID II: Information for non-professional clients
MiFID II: Information for professional clients
MiFID II: Integrating sustainable preferences into MiFID II
Order execution policy for financial instruments
Policy for managing conflicts of interest
SRDII Disclosure Engagement Policy
Terms of Business
Employee Privacy Charter
French document
Personal Data Protection Charter “Privacy Charter”
Regulatory Information
Controversial Activities Policy
Corporate Governance
Global Remuneration Policy
French document
Identified Staff Remuneration Policy
French document
Principal Adverse Impact Statement